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Civil war poured fire from the sky, forcing 10 year old Joseph Akok Deng, one of 26,000 Lost Boys of Sudan, to flee his home and family or die at his government's hands. Joseph and other malnourished young boys walked thousands of miles through deserts, mountains, disease and predators - most with only the clothes on their backs.


After a brief time in Ethiopian refugee camps, Communist armed militia and tanks chased the boys across the River Gilo. Those not eaten by crocodiles or drowned, again journeyed through Sudan and into Kenya. Less than half survived.


In 2001, a fraction of the surviving Lost Boys were relocated from refugee camps to the United States.  Joseph, now a nurse, returns to South Sudan to provide life-saving medical care and founded South Sudan Life Care Mission - a 501(c)(3) organization - to expand his ability to do so.



"God kept me alive and brought me to the US to be witness and to give back. If I can't help, then why did God save me?"


South Sudan is acknowledged to have some of the worst health indicators in the world. Most live below the poverty line. Maternal mortality rates are the highest in the world. Life expectancy is only 55. There is only one doctor per 60,000 people. A newborn has a 25% chance of dying before age 5. The major causes of the mortality include pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria, and malnutrition. 

We welcome your time, talent and treasure to improve hygiene, sanitation, healthcare awareness, access to medicine, medical services and a clinical facility. Even a single bottle of Imodium can save five lives.



Each day hundreds of thousands of people in South Sudan drink unclean water they have spent hours walking to obtain. For survival they drink from contaminated sources and often become ill. What water is available to the mostly destitute people of South Sudan is most often found in shallow wells or surface ponds, often many hours' walk from home villages. The water collected in these arduous journeys is often contaminated with parasites and cholera.


Having fresh clean water every day eliminates many causes of disease. Not having to walk for miles each day allows more freedom for girls and women. Girls can often attend school. Women can create small gardens and cottage industries.


Medical clinics can be established. Each new well serves 1,000 - 1,500 people.


Today, church is held under a tree. We are working to develop a structure to include dedicated spaces for worship and religious education.  Thanks to generous donations, the structural foundation is complete, however construction of the remaining structure requires additional funding.



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